性别: 男
职称: 研究员
职务: 湖北省环境岩土工程重点实验室副主任
学历: 博士研究生
电话: 027-87198967
电子邮件: bbai@whrsm.ac.cn
湖北省武汉市武昌区水果湖街小洪山2号 中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所

白冰,男,1980年生,江苏徐州睢宁人,博士,中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所 研究员、博士/硕士生导师,环境岩土工程湖北省重点实验室副主任。自2003年以来长期从事碳中和(能源岩土工程与干热岩深部地热开发、CO2等废弃物处置利用等)研究工作,曾赴美国洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室(LANL)开展CCUS合作研究。主持国家自然科学基金项目4项,曾主持或参与国家863计划、国家科技支撑计划、科技部国际合作项目、国土资源部公益性项目以及重要工程项目的课题/专题研究,曾获省科技进步一等奖一项。
2011至今,中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所 助理研究员、副研究员、研究员(其间,2017.2-2018.3挂职任贵州省六盘水市市政府党组成员、市长助理)
2008-2010,中南大学 资源与安全工程学院 城市地下空间工程 讲师
2003-2008,中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所 岩土工程 博士
1999-2003,中南大学 资源环境与建筑工程学院--土木工程学院 土木工程 本科
1. 国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目:CO2大规模封存泄漏规律及其与水土环境互馈机制研究,项目负责人,2024-2027.
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,干热岩井-缝联络型EGS系统变频压裂成缝规律研究,项目负责人,2020-2023.
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,超临界CO2强化采热中的流动换热及其诱发断裂滑动机制研究,项目负责人,2017-2021.
4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,考虑CO2入渗超压影响的砂岩破裂压及强度特性研究,项目负责人,2012-2014.
5. 国家科技支撑计划项目,CO2驱封存安全性评价技术(子课题),负责人,2012-2015.
6. 科技部国际合作项目,新型结合增强地热系统的大规模CO2利用与封存技术研究,课题负责人,2012-2014.
7. 原国土资源部公益性项目,二氧化碳地质储存灌注控制与场地安全性关键问题研究(子课题),子课题负责人,2012-2014.
8. 中核委托项目,川藏地区地热流体防垢除垢和中低温回灌堵塞机理研究,项目负责人(雷宏武为共同负责人),2020-2021.
9. 中国地质调查局地质调查项目委托业务项目,干热岩试采压裂诱发地震研究(所属二级项目:青海共和盆地干热岩调查评价与勘查示范),项目负责人,2019.
10. 中国地质调查局地质调查项目委托业务项目,干热岩水力压裂诱发地震风险评价与管控(所属二级项目:青海共和盆地干热岩调查评价与勘查示范),执行负责人,2020.
11. 中石化胜利油田委托项目,高89-樊142地区沙四段特低渗透油藏断层封堵性研究,执行负责人,2014-2015.
[1] Bing Bai, Yuanyuan He, XiaochunLi, Jun Li, Xiaoxue Huang, Jialing Zhu. Experimental and analytical study of the overall heat transfer coefficient of water flowing through a single fracture in a granite core, Applied Thermal Engineering,2017.
[2] Bing Bai,Yuanyuan He, Shaobin Hu, Xiaochun Li. An Analytical Method for Determining the Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient Between Flowing Fluid and Rock Fracture Walls, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2017.
[3] Bing Bai,Yuanyuan He, XiaochunLi. Numerical study on the heat transfer characteristics between supercritical carbon dioxide and granite fracture wall. Geothermics.2018.
[4] Bai B, He Y, Li X, Hu S, Huang X, Li J, et al. Local heat transfer characteristics of water flowing through a single fracture within a cylindrical granite specimen. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2016.
[5] Yuanyuan He,Bing Bai(通讯), et al. Effects of surface roughness on the heat transfer characteristics of water flow through a single granite fracture. Computers and Geotechnics, 2016.
[6] Yuanyuan He,Bing Bai(通讯), Xiaochun Li. Comparative Investigation on the Heat Transfer Characteristics of Gaseous CO2 and Gaseous Water Flowing Through a Single Granite Fracture. International Journal of Thermophysics, 2017.
[7] He Y ,Bai B (通讯), Li X . Investigation on Heat Transfer Properties of Supercritical Water in a Rock Fracture for Enhanced Geothermal Systems. International Journal of Thermophysics, 2018, 39(12).
[8] Jiang, Y., Yao, H., Cui, Y. ,Bai,B(通讯)., et al. Evaluative Analysis of Formulas of Heat Transfer Coefficient of Rock Fracture. Int J Thermophys 41, 104 (2020).
[9] He Y ,Bai B(通讯), Cui Y , et al. 3D Numerical Modeling of Water–Rock Coupling Heat Transfer Within a Single Fracture[J]. International Journal of Thermophysics, 2020, 41(9).
[10] 雷宏武,白冰,崔银祥,谢迎春,李进,侯学文.高温地热生产井碳酸钙结垢定量评价:水文地球化学——以西藏羊八井为例.地球科学.
[11] 雷宏武,白冰,崔银祥,谢迎春,李进,侯学文.高温地热生产井碳酸钙结垢定量评价:两相流动——以西藏羊八井为例.地球科学.
[12] 刘文廷,韩爱果,白冰,何媛媛,崔银祥,雷宏武,秦剑桥.基于数值实验的干热岩裂隙对流换热系数研究.成都理工大学学报, 2022,(03).
[13] 徐辰宇,白冰,刘明泽.注CO2条件下花岗岩破裂特征的试验研究.岩土力学,2019,(04).
[14] 朱家玲,张国伟,李君,白冰.裂隙通道内流固换热系数解析解及敏感性分析.太阳能学报,2016,(08).
[15] 胡启芳,白冰,李小春,袁玉萍.福建省增强地热系统CO2封存容量的估算.资源与产业,2015,(05).
[16] 黄永辉,雷宏武,白冰,崔银祥,陆仁超,庞忠和.多场耦合模拟技术及其在地热开采安全性评价中的应用.科技促进发展,2020.
[17] Bing Bai, Xiaochun Li, Haiqing Wu, Yongsheng Wang, Mingze Liu. A methodology for designing maximum allowable wellhead pressure for CO2 injection: application to the Shenhua CCS demonstration project, China. Greenhouse Gas: Science and Technology, 2016.
[18] Bai, Bing, Xiaochun Li, Yuping Yuan, Di Zhou and Pengchun Li. “Preliminary assessment of CO2 transport and storage costs of promising source–sink matching scenarios in Guangdong province, China”,2014.
[19] Bing Bai, Hu Q ,Li Z , et al. Evaluating the Sealing Effectiveness of a Caprock-Fault System for CO 2 -EOR Storage: A Case Study of the Shengli Oilfield[J]. Geofluids, 2017.
[20] Bai, Bing, Xiaochun Li, Yuping Yuan, Di Zhou and Pengchun Li. “Preliminary assessment of CO2 transport and storage costs of promising source–sink matching scenarios in Guangdong province, China.” Acta Geotechnica ,2014.
[21] Bai B, G Lü, Li X , et al. Quantitative Measures for Characterizing the Sealing Ability of Caprock with Pore Networks in CO2 Geological Storage[J]. ENERGY PROCEDIA, 2014.
[22] Bai B,Li X ,Yuan Y . A New Cost Estimate Methodology for Onshore Pipeline Transport of CO2 in China[J]. Energy Procedia, 2013, 37.
[23] Lu S ,Bing B,Wu H , et al. Evaluating Reservoir Risks and Their Influencing Factors during CO 2 Injection into Multilayered Reservoirs[J]. Geofluids,2017.
[24] Wu Haiqing, Bai Bing (通讯), Li Xiaochun. An advanced analytical solution for pressure build-up during CO2 injection into infinite saline aquifers: The role of compressibility. Advances in Water Resources.2018.
[25] Wu H , Bai B (通讯), Li X , et al. An explicit integral solution for pressure build-up during CO2 injection into infinite saline aquifers. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 2016.
[26] Wu H , Bai B ,Li X , et al. An explicit finite difference model for prediction of wellbore pressure and temperature distribution in CO2 geological sequestration. Greenhouse Gases Science & Technology, 2017.
[27] Wang L,Bai B(通讯),Li X , et al. An Analytical Model for Assessing Stability of Pre-Existing Faults in Caprock Caused by Fluid Injection and Extraction in a Reservoir. Rock Mechanics & Rock Engineering, 2016.
[28] Liu M ,Bai B(通讯), Li X . Experimental studies on the short term effect of CO2 on the tensile failure of sandstone[J]. Energy Procedia, 2014.
[29] Zhang, Qiang, Xiaochun Li, Bing Bai (通讯), Shaobin Hu and Lu Shi. “Effect of Pore Fluid Pressure on the Normal Deformation of a Matched Granite Joint.” Processes,2018.
[30] Xie, H., Li, X., Fang, Z. et al. Carbon geological utilization and storage in China: current status and perspectives. Act Geotech.,2014. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11440-013-0277-9.
[31] Diao Y, Zhu G , Li X ,Bai B,et al. Characterizing CO2 plume migration in multi-layer reservoirs with strong heterogeneity and low permeability using time-lapse 2D VSP technology and numerical simulation. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2020,.
[32] 白冰, 李小春, 刘明泽, et al. A fast explicit finite difference method for determination of wellhead injection pressure. 中南大学学报, 2012.
[33] 白冰,李小春,刘延锋,张勇.中国CO2集中排放源调查及其分布特征.岩石力学与工程学报,2006.
[34] 白冰,李小春,刘延锋,张勇.CO2驱煤层气中煤层膨胀对套管稳定性的影响.岩土力学,2006.
[35] 伍海清,白冰(通讯),李小春,刘明泽,何媛媛.CO2地质封存中储层流体压力演化规律的解析模型.岩土力学,2018.
[36] 刘明泽,白冰(通讯),李小春,高帅,王磊,伍海清.CO2–水两相条件下砂岩致裂特征与有效应力模型的试验研究.岩石力学与工程学报,2016.
[37] 孔维钟,白冰,李小春.CO2咸水层封存中组合盖层密封效果的影响因素.交通科学与工程,2015.
[38] 孔维钟,白冰,李小春,魏宁.CO2咸水层封存中组合盖层的密封效果研究.岩石力学与工程学报,2015.
[39] 伍海清,白冰,刘明泽,李小春,王磊.估算二氧化碳井筒压力的等效密度法.特种油气藏,2015.
[40] 孔维钟,白冰,李小春.组合盖层中垂向贯穿断层对储层内CO2密封效果的影响.水电能源科学,2014.
[41] 李小春,刘延锋,白冰,方志明.中国深部咸水含水层CO2储存优先区域选择.岩石力学与工程学报,2006.
[42] 刘延锋,李小春,白冰.中国CO2煤层储存容量初步评价.岩石力学与工程学报,2005.
[43]Huiling Ci, Wei Wang, Lu Shi, Bing Bai, Lei Wang, Jianfeng Liu, and Yun Jia. An Integral-Generalized Finite Difference Method for Interface Problems in Solid Mechanics. International Journal of Applied MechanicsVol. 16, No. 01, 2450001 (2024).
[44]Ci, H., Bai, B.(通讯), Zou, Y., Lei, H., & Cui, Y. . A novel boundary tracing method without enrichment for modeling cracks and their propagation. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics,2023.
[45] Bai B, Ci H , Lei H , et al. A local integral-generalized finite difference method with mesh-meshless duality and its application. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2022.
[46] Bai B, Xu C , Liu M , et al. A Hydro-fracturing Tester for Rock Saturated with Controlled Two-Phase Pore Fluids. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2019.
[47] 白冰, 袁维, 李小春, et al. A new double reduction method for slope stability analysis. 中南大学学报:英文版, 2014.
[48] Liu M, Bai B, Li X , et al. Assessing the applicability of unsaturated effective stress models to tensile fracturing of sandstone in CO2 -water two-phase fluids. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology,2016.
[49] Chen Q,Bai B,Wang H , et al. Dissipated Energy as the Evaluation Index for the Double Reduction Method. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2021.
[50] 次惠岭,白冰(通讯),雷宏武,崔银祥.有限单元内部场量的高精度求解.岩土力学,2021.
[51] 白冰,袁维,石露,李君,李小春.一种双折减法与经典强度折减法的关系.岩土力学,2015.
[52 Yuan W, Bai B(通讯),Xiao-Chun L I , et al. A strength reduction method based on double reduction parameters and its application. 中南大学学报:英文版, 2013.
[53] 白冰,李小春,唐礼忠.应力–应变曲线初始屈服的一个新定义及其应用.岩石力学与工程学报, 2010.
[54] 白冰,李小春,石露,杜学飞. 一族线性屈服破坏函数对应的耗散势.岩土力学, 2008(05).
[55] 徐辰宇,白冰(通讯),刘明泽.注CO2条件下花岗岩破裂特征的试验研究.岩土力学, 2019.
[56] 白冰,李小春,石露,唐礼忠.弹塑性应力-应变曲线的斜率恒等式及其验证和应用.岩土力学,2010.
[57] 白冰,李小春,刘延锋,方志明,王伟.CO2-ECBM中气固作用对煤体应力和强度的影响分析.岩土力学,2007.
[58] 白冰,李小春.湿度应力场理论的证明.岩土力学,2007.
[59] 白冰,李小春,石露,姚华彦.对弹性静力学中外力功表达式及相关问题的探讨.力学与实践,2011.
[60] 李小春,白冰,唐礼忠,郭群.较低和较高围压下煤岩三轴试验及其塑性特征新表述.岩土力学,2010.